2020 Mid-Year #letsgo
May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be safe. May you live with ease, and find balance, laughter, and some fun while your juggle all the ‘balls’ and adventures in the decade ahead. - So this is —> 2020.
Well here we are…
A year unlike any before. A year that’s challenged us, and pulled us to grow and change and pivot.
I’ve heard this year described as the “pause for the cause” and that resonated with me, so I’ll stick with it.
I set out at the start of 2020 with the plan to find my “flow” - to me that meant to set up some systems and structures that allow me to be more present in my day to day, stop worrying about ‘all the things’ and find time to just be - anddd, I’m making progress, haha.
I’ve been fortunate to have my health - although it has been tricky and I’ve been quite secluded due to my underlying respiratory auto-immune disease (which is SO counterintuitive for me as being around people is, well, my favorite) - so I’m choosing to focus on the “gift of time” that this pause has given me to focus, to read books, to actually FINISH some projects, to get in shape, to cook - REAL food, and to find creative new ways to have fun and go on adventures!
The ‘pause for the cause’ statement refers to us all slowing down, many things being put on hold, and the spotlight being pointed at injustice. Whenever possible, I’ve been focused on proactively supporting the wave of social change, the push for true equality, and the understanding that the #BlackLivesMatter movement is about seeing the humanity in each and every person, and that our Black peers need our collective support. Part of supporting for me has been finding ways that FWD (For Women & Diversity), the organization I started back in 2016 dedicated to professional inclusion — can do our part to build bridges and break down barriers through sharing information and creating opportunities for conversation. We published a list of Anti-Racism resources that you can check out here - it includes articles, media, books, workshops + education, accounts/orgs to follow, resources for white parents, places to donate, and a 'Yearbook' of past FWD speakers and award honorees to connect with and follow. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or would like to dialogue more about #BlackLivesMatter - or FWD, or any of the above.
AND - here are few general life updates:
Started a new job as Executive Director of a Digital Agency in February. Travelled, ran some cool campaigns, then the “pause” and we pivoted to create our own virtual event software and hosted an incredible online event for 1000 people. Then - the company downsized and my position was eliminated.
Turned out to be a blessing as I’m now back to consulting full time with my company Red Suede Shoes (<— check out our new website) and I’m proud to say August was our most profitable month since I started the company in 2014! I mostly focus on experiential marketing (virtual and live events), digital marketing, brand build, and strategy planning projects -but if you want to see more you can check out my digital resume/website here.
I’ve been heads down on converting our FWD Collective events and programming to a digital platform and I’m ecstatic to share we had a wildly successful inaugural Town Hall event and have 3 more events on the calendar for the year, not including our annual summit —details on that to be announced soon! If you’d like to learn more about the FWD events or explore membership to the community - you can check out the website here.
Moving home. To the Southside of Chicago, back with my OG roommates (aka my parents) for a bit — this has been the plan since my lease was coming up and the community living style of my current apt complex isn’t conducive to staying healthy. I’ve LOVED my apt, it’s bitter sweet (especially leaving the hot tub) but it gets lonely for Lux and I — so it will be nice to be able to hang with the family and Quinn, Maria, and Clark are only a few blocks away! Also, this plan was put in motion initially to help my parents on some projects at their house and for me to save some money for my next adventure…
Next Adventure? My goal is to buy property on a small lake in the midwest and build a little getaway oasis - something I can call home, be closer to nature, and also have space to have you all come visit! AND - ideally turn into a little Airbnb while I’m traveling (safely) throughout the US in my SUV converted ‘camper’. Hopefully my next ‘not-holiday’ card and change of address has a picture of Lux and I on our new front porch!
Clark (my nephew) will be TWO in September - he’s the best, calls me “My-Pole” - can’t get enough of bulldozers, and is so inquisitive and curious about how things work.
Lux has had his best summer ever as he’s had so many adventures and has been by side 24/7 - his favorite thing is to ride in my bike basket and sit on the nose of the stand up paddle board like a hood ornament.
One of the best things I did this year was take myself on a two cabin adventures (which is what inspired a lot of my oasis plan) here’s some pictures of the places we (Lux & I) went:
Amish built cabin on a family farm in La Porte,IN by Pine Lake.
130 year old cabin in Vandalia, IL surrounded by nature and farm land.
I’ve also linked my instagram account below so you can check out a few more pictures of what we’ve been up to.
AND I would love, love, love to hear from all of you, let’s set up time to do digital dates over zoom, text me, send me pics of your life, let me know about your new projects, your growing families and EVERYTHING - sending good vibes and big love to you.